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Sunday, November 15, 2009

5 Things Cause Fat

Keep in mind that obesity is not just due to how many calories intake that comes into your body, but also influenced by several factors. There are at least 5 factors that helped support the weight crept up.

Sleep Deprivation

Metabolism process can work well if your body enough rest. If less rest, the body can lead to stress that the chemical reactions in the body increases, this will stimulate the emergence of appetite. Some people believe that eating before bedtime will make sleep more soundly, but the truth is you are saving your body fat. Therefore, sleep about 8 hours a day.

High Stress
Stress was also a factor supporting weight gain. If experiencing stress, some people have a tendency to run on food. This is because food, especially those containing elements of high carbohydrate, can increase levels of serotonin in the brain, causing a calming effect. Therefore, if the stress hit, find other activities to ease, for example with exercise.
Drug Influence
The effect of each drug is different for consumers. There are effects that can cause drowsiness, increased appetite, change blood sugar into fat, and so on. Therefore, do not forget to always consult with your doctor or specialist about medication you consume vitamins.

Health Problems
One other reason why the body is easily stretched hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the body caused by lack of thyroid hormone production in the body of a person. Thyroid deficiency causes the body's metabolism is less smooth, decreased appetite, and increased body weight. Symptoms of people with this disorder are easily tired and weary, raspy voice, simple flu, easy sleepy (so much sleep), or a simple headache. If you experience symptoms above to see a doctor immediately.

When entering menopause, women no longer as nimble as when I was young. The process slows down your metabolism and hormonal system changes (diminishing estrogen hormone), causing excessive appetite, depression, and even less sleep. It is therefore recommended that from now on, before it even reached menopause arrives, so that every time a woman has a routine exercise. Besides good for health, fitness, keeping body weight remained stable, diligent exercise can also strengthen your bones.

So let's live a healthy life from now on! Think positive and keep exercising while keeping your diet healthy.

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