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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Doing Sports or Eat First??

Jakarta, There are people who choose to eat a new sport or otherwise. Which is correct before exercise or eat first? The following scientific explanations.

According to health experts, the correct behavior is to exercise first. But that does not mean someone should exercise without eating any food, because these people will not have the energy to exercise but not in the form of heavy food.

Why after eating may not directly exercise?

Because once a person eating a heavy meal, the blood will automatically flow into the stomach. Meanwhile, in the stomach was going on absorption of nutrients from food that is consumed. Body also are dumping leftover food into a specific body part and deliver oxygen throughout the body.

Some people feel cramps when exercising after eating caused by a stomach full of food were forced to pull ligaments . It also raises uncomfortable feeling in the stomach and in some people can cause vomiting.

As quoted from Yourtotalhealth, Saturday (20/11/2009), how long will it take to wait before doing exercise depends on what is consumed.

Usually takes between 30 minutes to 2 hours just to exercise. But if you eat foods that are more severe then the waiting time even longer. But if you only eat a light snack or a few low-fat crackers, do not require a long time to exercise.

What foods can be consumed before exercise? Good food consumed before exercise depends on the time when we will do excercise.

If exercising in the morning to eat fruit, juice or water is sufficient. If working out in mid-morning and a high carbohydrate breakfast is enough to provide energy. But if you exercise before lunch to eat enough alone and snacks for the afternoon exercise can consume yogurt or cookies.

But this is a general guideline for anyone who does not have a problem with the digestive system or health. Someone should find out what food does not interfere with the body's health.

If you want to get the full benefit of the sport, should avoid eating heavy meals just before exercise and adequate water consumption to replace lost body fluids.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Snacking While Watching Movies Popcorn Hide Much Fat

Los Angeles, Snacks popcorn is often regarded as a low-calorie snacks. But the researchers found that eating popcorn snacks with drinks in the cinema, especially in the United States has the equivalent calories 3 three-quarters the size of a hamburger.

From the results of research by the Center for Science and Public Interest (CSPI) found that medium-size popcorn and drink on average companion has 1160 calories.

This amount is high enough for the popcorn snack is not a staple food. While the caloric needs of adults on average 1800-2000 calories.

Imagine eating popcorn and drink, almost three-quarters of the caloric needs are met when the food was not filling. Even popcorn is also sharing the equivalent of taking a full day's saturated fat.

CSPI senior nutritionist Jayne Hurley said the little habits of the American public does in fact make them difficult to maintain weight.

"Who would notice when just watching a movie and eat popcorn filled calorie value very much," as reported by Jayne rich from the Telegraph, Friday (20/11/2009).

The study, published in the Nutrition Action Healthletter also found that Reese's snack that many movies sold in the U.S. has 1160 calories and 35 grams of saturated fat equivalent of eating 16 ounces of steak and baked potato butter.

Popcorn as a mandatory meal while watching a movie. High calories for sweet and salty taste that is used plus the use of coconut oil to cook it. Not to mention the addition of butter or margarine high contribution of calories and fat.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hepatitis - jaundice

Hepatitis disease commonly known as jaundice. Actually hepatitis is liver inflammation (liver) caused by various factors. Factors that cause hepatitis or jaundice, among others, is a viral infection, metabolic disorders, alcohol consumption, autoimmune diseases, results complications from other diseases, side effects from the consumption of drugs and the presence of parasites in the liver,

One of the symptoms of hepatitis is the emergence of yellow color on the skin, nails and the whites of the eyeball.

Usual medical therapy medical therapy is usually given to patients with hepatitis among other diseases, bed rest, healthy diet, and administration of drugs and antiviral.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Alcoholic - "Misuse of Alcohol"

For convenience of reference for people with alcohol abuse and dependence, so in this article will be referred to as alcoholic. This term may be less precise, but it is technically and medically may be more easily understood.

Misuse of alcohol is in the habit of drinking alcohol is dangerous, such as drunk every day or drank in large quantities at any time. Misuse of alcohol can damage the social relations of the patient. Why, people will lose their jobs and may conflict or deal with legal problems. If the abuse continues then continuously in effect alcohol addiction.

In addition to knowledge, the doctors in the U.S. only allows women to drink 3 sips a drink or 7 sips of the week with a standard (a bottle of beer, 1 glass of wine, or a mixture of alcohol 1). Whereas for men, 4 sips of a drink or 14 sips in a week.

The doctor will check the patient's health if found in clinical symptoms. They also know the mental patient, whether or not depression.

Treatment for alcoholism depends on how bad a result for people with alcohol. But most of all in the treatment of alcoholics is the awareness to reduce or stop drinking alcohol altogether.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fainting - "loss of consciousness"

Fainting is loss of consciousness for a while. Loss of consciousness is followed by a weakening of the muscles work, so people fall. Fainting is caused by blood flow to the brain decreases. Lack of blood flow made possible by several factors, heart failure, blood vessels are unable to maintain blood pressure to a scrambled, not enough blood, or can be due to three reasons.

First aid to the patient unconscious, among others:
1. Check respiratory patients. If urgent contact the nearest medic.
2. Loosen clothing and accessories around the neck.
3. Keep the patient 10-15 minutes, place the patient in room shady and tube free.
4. If the person vomits, tilt the head so that vomit can come out easily and not go back into the breathing path.
6. If you are conscious, give water.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, which lives in soil. Such as bacterial spores to survive the fierce conditions. Spores thrive in a colony in the animal or human body.

Anthrax sometimes attack livestock away from the man, but - as known in the 2001 anthrax attack the United States - fear anthrax as a weapon of modern biology. Atraks transmission through meat or skin anthrax-affected animals eaten by humans.

The average incubation period of anthrax is more than 7 days, 60 days can be even more depending on the duration of symptoms is formed. Patients usually have symptoms of anthrax, among others, swollen, fever, anxiety, headaches, and generally feel uneasy.

If diagnosed early, anthrax easily treated with atibiotik. But sometimes, people ignore the early symptoms of anthrax before they actually had symptoms become more severe. Antibiotics for anthrax can kill bacteria, but antibiotics have no effect on anthrax toxin.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Acne is caused by dead skin cells or because the production of excessive oil glands. There are 3 types of acne:
1. Blackheads
Caused blackheads pores clogged because the dead skin cells and the production of excessive oil glands. Other causes of sweating, hot and humid air.
2. Common acne
Small bulge, pink. Caused by clogged pores bacteria. Another cause for dirty air or stress.
3. Acne stone
Tonjonlannya hard and big. Cause kalenjar oil production in excess skin or sensitive skin.

As known acne appears on the face and shoulders, but can spread to the trunk, arms and legs.

X-ray therapy is not recommended to overcome acne. This therapy can damage the skin. If the acne blackheads appearing type compressed enough warm water. The goal soften blackheads making them easier to lift. If acne in or stones should take antibiotics at the direction of a dermatologist.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

5 elements that greatly affect our health

1. Morning Sunshine:
How can the benefits of sunlight to humans? Energy analysis of 5 elements, the sun was an important role on human health with the energy contribution of 25%. Direct sunlight is very beneficial for the health of the energy in the human element 5.

Human beings can directly receive the energy from the 5th element of sunlight through the five elements of human beings, namely the element Ether, the Air element, fire element, the element Water, and the element Earth. This is one man advantage compared to other creatures on this earth.

Own plants receive the sun's energy through the Earth element, and then circulated to the other elements.

When it has a relationship with the effectiveness of the health of sunlight 5 elements. The most useful sunlight between pk. 05.30 - 09.00 am. Optimal time we can use to receive the 5 Elements of energy from the sun is approximately 15 minutes. These are discussed below:

1. 05.30 - 06.30 a.m: Elements of Awareness, healthy frequency 1 / 6 Hz
2. 06.30 - 07.00a.m : Element Ether, healthy frequency 1 / 5 Hz
3. 07.00 - 07.30 a.m : Air Element, healthy frequency 1 / 4 Hz
4. 07.30 - 08.00 a.m : Element of Fire, the frequency of a healthy 1 / 3 Hz
5. 08.00 - 08.30 a.m : Water Element, the frequency of sound 1 / 2 Hz
6. 08.30 - 09.00 a.m : Elements of Earth, the frequency of 1 Hz healthy

Because the benefits of solar energy is very large for human health, then we need to take advantage of morning sunlight well. We have more kids happy to be in air-conditioned room. Therefore, to improve health, children need to be socialized to sunbathe in the morning.

2. Healthy Fresh Air:
Healthy fresh air that has a healthy frequency 1 / 4 Hz, which is very useful for the four elements, namely air elements. Air healthy energy contribution of 25%. Therefore, very important for us to maintain the freshness of the air by planting trees around our house. In addition to improving the freshness of air, the trees can also prevent global warming.

In addition, we also can increase the freshness of the air by not smoking, clean room, and with clean air conditioned regularly. We can also use the Ionizer to improve the freshness of air in the room.

3. Healthy Fresh water:
Healthy fresh water well has a frequency of 1 / 2 Hz, so useful for the element Water. Healthy water is essential for our health, because healthy energy contribution of 25%. Organs in desperate need of water is the blood and kidneys, organs of the element Water. Drinking water will be healthy enough blood circulation, clearing toxins in the blood, nourish the kidneys, and aid digestion.

Therefore, very important for us to drink enough healthy water as many as 8 glasses a day. Drinking sweet drinks or carbonated drinks should not be construed as a substitute for healthy water.

Currently we have more and more difficult to obtain healthy water. Generally healthy water from clear springs in the mountains. One way to obtain healthy water is to use a Reverse Osmosis or RO.

4. Healthy and Fresh Food:

Healthy food healthy energy contribution of 20%. Healthy food composition based on the elements are as follows:

* Element Awareness: 1%. Healthy food for the element has a frequency of consciousness is a healthy 1 / 6 Hz and contains many enzymes.
* Element Ether: 5%. Healthy food for the Ether element that has a healthy frequency 1 / 5 Hz and contains many antioxidants.
* Element Air: 5%. Healthy food for the Air element is having a healthy frequency of 1 / 4 Hz.
* Element of Fire: 3%. Healthy food for the Fire element is having a healthy frequency 1 / 3 Hz and contains lots of unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamin A.
* Element Water: 3%. Healthy food for Water is the element that has a healthy frequency 1 / 2 Hz and contains lots of carbohydrates, protein, B vitamins and vitamin C.
* Element Earth: 3%. Healthy food for the Earth element is having a healthy frequency of 1 Hz and contains many minerals, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

Healthy diet should be a combination of healthy foods each element. This will balance and nourish the energy of all elements. For example, if the lack of healthy food element of Earth, people can suffer from ill mineraldan osteoporosis because of calcium deficiency. If healthy food shortages Water element, people can suffer from diabetes and gout because of lack of healthy carbohydrates and healthy proteins.

5. Moving and Exercise:
Movement and exercise contribute to healthy energy by 5%. So we also need a healthy exercise regularly.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Ovarian Channel" Cancer

Although this cancer include malignant tumors in the category, until now the cause of the Fallopian tubes cancer is unknown. These cancers most commonly strike women who have menopause, although in some cases are also young women who experience it also.

In stage I, cancer is confined to the oviduct only. However, if you've reached the stage II, can strike up to the pelvis. Even if it had reached stage II and IV, the cancer reaches the Fallopian tubes into the pelvis and spreads out to other parts of the body.

The only medical treatment for this disease is by appointment cancer. After a new elected to do radiation to kill the roots of cancer.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oral Hygiene Influence Thinking Ability

Had a problem with the ability to think? If so, it never hurts to go to the dentist. Because an oral hygiene study reveals greatly affect one's ability to think.

The experts advise that a good mouth care in terms of regular brushing teeth, cleaning teeth and diligently checked regularly to the dentist, can help adults to improve the capacity to think.

In one study, scientists found that adults aged 60 years or older and have health problems such as mouth porphyromonas gingivalis, tends to three times more often have difficulty in remembering words after a certain period of time.

"Adults who have high levels of pathogens in the mouth hygiene two times more likely in a test failure rate reduction," said Dr. James M. Noble from Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, as quoted by Reuters on Sunday (15/11/2009).

The results of this study are reported in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. In a 2300 study participants included men and women who are tested for completing various tests related to his thinking skills.

As a whole by 5, 7 percent of adults are having difficulty in completing tasks related to memory and as much as 6.5 percent failed the test reduction. This failure likely due to the level of pathogens or participants who have health problems with his mouth.

Based on this study also found a strong relationship between poor mouth kesehaatn with heart disease, stroke, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. In addition gum disease can also affect the person's brain function, such as gum disease can cause inflammation in the body of a risk factor for loss of mental function.

Therefore important to always maintain oral hygiene to maintain good thinking skills, although elderly, and also protected from disease risk factors.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

5 Things Cause Fat

Keep in mind that obesity is not just due to how many calories intake that comes into your body, but also influenced by several factors. There are at least 5 factors that helped support the weight crept up.

Sleep Deprivation

Metabolism process can work well if your body enough rest. If less rest, the body can lead to stress that the chemical reactions in the body increases, this will stimulate the emergence of appetite. Some people believe that eating before bedtime will make sleep more soundly, but the truth is you are saving your body fat. Therefore, sleep about 8 hours a day.

High Stress
Stress was also a factor supporting weight gain. If experiencing stress, some people have a tendency to run on food. This is because food, especially those containing elements of high carbohydrate, can increase levels of serotonin in the brain, causing a calming effect. Therefore, if the stress hit, find other activities to ease, for example with exercise.
Drug Influence
The effect of each drug is different for consumers. There are effects that can cause drowsiness, increased appetite, change blood sugar into fat, and so on. Therefore, do not forget to always consult with your doctor or specialist about medication you consume vitamins.

Health Problems
One other reason why the body is easily stretched hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the body caused by lack of thyroid hormone production in the body of a person. Thyroid deficiency causes the body's metabolism is less smooth, decreased appetite, and increased body weight. Symptoms of people with this disorder are easily tired and weary, raspy voice, simple flu, easy sleepy (so much sleep), or a simple headache. If you experience symptoms above to see a doctor immediately.

When entering menopause, women no longer as nimble as when I was young. The process slows down your metabolism and hormonal system changes (diminishing estrogen hormone), causing excessive appetite, depression, and even less sleep. It is therefore recommended that from now on, before it even reached menopause arrives, so that every time a woman has a routine exercise. Besides good for health, fitness, keeping body weight remained stable, diligent exercise can also strengthen your bones.

So let's live a healthy life from now on! Think positive and keep exercising while keeping your diet healthy.

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